420 Gil
These are the 5 big things that have certainly annoyed me about working in Japan vs working in the USA. I can’t say anything for other regions of the world, but from what I’ve heard, these 5 offenses are primarily perpetrated by Japanese companies. 1.) What janitorial staff? That’s YOU! Along with the office manager, […]
I honestly didn’t think it existed either, but it does. Developers behind MONKEN found 201 rather generous patrons, mostly giving ~$100 USD each. The crowd funding site used is called Campfire. It looks and operates a lot like Kickstarter, only taking whopping 20% of the collected funds. Ouch! Funding is also “all or nothing” like […]
Make games. If you want to make more than just some little smart phone time sink, get a PC game with good content creation tools and make a content mod, like Falskaar. What is Falskaar? 19 year old Alexander J. Velicky’s 2000 hour labor of love and 25 hours worth of new content. He wanted to […]
I’ve only interviewed for game design positions so I can’t comment on artist, programming or sound specific interview questions but a lot of questions have me re-stating a lot of what I put on my paperwork, especially my cover letter and what what my career goals are. Don’t be afraid to ask interviewers to rephrase […]
So you’ve submitted your paperwork and now your perspective employer is no doubt going through the process of 書類選考. Should you pass, prepare for a series of interviews. The most common procedure is 2 interviews. The first interview is with potential direct supervisors and other co-workers. Some places may require you to take an entrance […]
The long awaited part II finally arrives! Small warning: working in Japan provides little-if any-free time to do things like blogging and what have you. Time to list up all the paperwork and what have you that you will need prepare in order to apply for a job in Japan: 履歴書 or Rirekisho. This is […]